You will not see any ads and no trackers will be activated
When you load this website, it will try to establishes connections in pure
Javascript with different urls (advertising, analytics, and social ads services) from a list.
For each host , if the connection fails
it means that the latter has been blocked by your ad-blocker (e.g. uBlock Origin , Blokada , AdGuard ,
in-built adblocker) or DNS provider
How do I know if my ad blocker is working?
You will receive a percentage of how many connections you have blocked
Basically if you get a value > 40% you are ok as long as you
block ads and analytics category
If you get
< 40% , you're probably not using an effective adblock or
you're not making the most of its potential
How i can have 100%
You can reach 100 % using a small list that I created to cover all the tests in this website
This list and this test is a beta project
I do not take any responsibility if something stops working , example Social apps or your
favorite blog
Thank you all for the support and feedback!
Recently I started to make some changes to the project structure, creating a homepage with all the
tools and soon will be available new test tools and if someone wants, can suggest a new test of any kind
on Github.
For newcomers, this is not a test to compete for the most points, it is a tool to use as a reference to
how efficient your blocking system is (consider that with some DNS and browsers there may be problems).
Blocked Hosts
Not Blocked
Click on a test below to see details about urls
Click on a url to copy to clipboard